‘Lambo Guy’ donates $50,000 to charity on behalf of Nine reporter

Billionaire Adrian Portelli has donated $50,000 to charity on behalf of a Nine reporter who was stood down after allegedly accepting a cash prize from the Melbourne-based entrepreneur.
Portelli, known by the moniker “Lambo Guy”, put a call out on his Instagram last week offering the money to the first television journalist to refer to him by his preferred name “McLaren Guy”.
Adrian Portelli at the 2024 Melbourne Cup.Credit: Getty Images
Nine’s Alex Cullen, a sports presenter on the Today program, was the first to oblige during an exchange with host Karl Stefanovic last Friday. Cullen was subsequently stood down by Nine over the remark.
On Tuesday afternoon, Portelli again took to his Instagram, claiming to have donated $25,000 to the Salvation Army and $25,000 to the RSPCA “on behalf” of Cullen, who reportedly returned the funds to Portelli. He said Cullen had initially told him it was his intention to donate the funds to charity.
“I’ve kept pretty quiet about what unfolded with Alex, but even before he’d heard from Ch9, we had a conversation where he expressed his desire to donate the money. That speaks volumes about his character,” Portelli said.
“Alex, you’re an absolute gentleman. If Ch9 let you go (though I really hope they don’t!), I’d be more than happy to collaborate with you on something. True class, mate!”
Nine, the owner of this masthead, is still investigating the events that took place over the weekend, while Cullen remains off-air. Nine was approached for comment.
On Saturday, a Nine spokesperson said Cullen was arranging for the return of the cash prize.