Threat to lives and homes as bushfire hits Wheatbelt town

Homes and lives are under threat in the Wheatbelt town of Northam as a bushfire blazes through the area.
Locals have been warned it is now too late to leave for those in an area bounded by Spencers Brook Road, Wellington Street West, Morrell Street and Jacamar Drive, as fire has blocked evacuation routes.
The Department of Fire and Emergency Services warned those still in the area should shelter in a room with running water, such as a kitchen or laundry, and have a clear exit to easily escape the house.
The fire is moving in a southerly direction and is out of control and unpredictable. It was first reported at 11.55am.
Residents should close all doors and windows and turn off evaporative air conditioners but keep water running through the system if possible.
If the home catches fire and the conditions inside become unbearable, go to an area that has already been burnt.
For up-to-date information, check the EmergencyWA website.
More to come.